Tommy Lee Faces Allegations of Sexual Assault During Helicopter Flight

Disturbing Details Emerge from Accusations Dating Back to 2003

Tommy Lee, the drummer of Mötley Crüe, has been accused of “groping, kissing, and forcibly penetrating with his fingers” a woman during a 40-minute helicopter flight from San Diego to Van Nuys, California, attempting to coerce her into performing oral sex. These allegations stem from an incident in February 2003, as outlined in a lawsuit filed by a woman identified as Jane Doe, a generic name used in the United States to maintain anonymity.

According to the accompanying legal document (obtained by Rolling Stone US), the helicopter’s pilot, David Martz, who was involved in the incident, passed away in a plane crash in 2015. The pilot had reportedly known the accuser about a year before the events, having met her at the bank where she worked. After becoming friends, Martz allegedly invited her for a scenic helicopter ride. However, upon reaching the helipad, the pilot announced a sudden change of plans, redirecting the trip from San Diego to Van Nuys, serving as a private “taxi” for Lee.

Within minutes of takeoff, Martz, according to the document, started serving drinks to the passengers, including himself, while at the controls. The woman refused, while Lee and the pilot continued to drink, consuming alcohol along with marijuana and cocaine.

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Yielding to the “immense pressure” perceived, the woman eventually agreed to Martz’s request to enter the cockpit and sit on Lee’s lap to “enjoy the view.” At this point, Lee allegedly sexually approached the woman, attempting to force her into oral sex.

After the flight, Martz and the accuser lost contact. The pilot died in 2015 in a plane crash, revealing his troubled history with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States, which had revoked his flight license three times.

The accuser stated that the events caused her “shock, distress, humiliation, shame, and guilt,” and believing it to be an isolated incident, she initially chose not to report it to the police. However, a potentially lengthy history of harassment and violence aboard Martz’s helicopter could now come to light.

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