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The Timeless Gift of Connection

Nurturing Relationships in the Simple Moments of Life

People who always find time for you, keep them close. There is always time. Always! For a good morning, for a “how are you,” for a quick coffee.

People don’t need messages on social media. They need contact, even just the sweet sound of the voice of someone they love.

People don’t want much. They want a few things, but essential ones.They want interest, love, care.

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To make time for your people. In your day, a minute is enough to say good morning. A minute is enough to change the day of someone you love.

To care.People are the most precious thing we have in our lives. Family, friends, they are life’s blessing.

Show them! It’s free and at the same time the most “expensive” gift you can give them.

#NurtureRelationships #OneMinuteMatters #FamilyFriendsLove

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