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Shane MacGowan’s Last Album: A Musical Journey with Cronin and Pogues

Posthumous Release Details and Collaborative Insights Revealed

Shane MacGowan completed his final solo album before succumbing to pneumonia at the age of 65 on November 30, according to a recent report from his wife, Victoria Mary Clarke. The album, consisting of 15 tracks blending original compositions and covers, was a collaboration with the Irish band Cronin and features appearances by Pogues members Spider Stacey and Jem Finer.

Johnny Cronin, lead singer of Cronin, shared that MacGowan maintained a strong voice until the end, expressing how Shane, though unwell, was determined to continue working. The album, worked on over the last seven years of MacGowan’s life, is now complete, with all vocals recorded. Cronin likened the process to Johnny Cash’s late-career recordings with producer Rick Rubin.

While a release date and label are yet to be confirmed for the posthumous album, Cronin emphasized Shane’s wish to see it released, noting, “Shane wanted this record out, so it will come out, but it’s not something we are thinking about right now.” Cronin also reflected on Shane’s final moments, describing them as a time of reminiscence by his bedside, where despite weakness, MacGowan was still able to share smiles and laughter.

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