Netflix has released the first trailer for a four-part documentary dedicated to Robbie Williams. The docuseries, simply titled “Robbie Williams,” will air on November 8th and will feature “30 years of never-before-seen archive footage” that tells the story of the English singer’s career, from his time as a young boy in a boyband (the Take That) to his solo successes, and delves into Robbie’s struggles with alcohol and drugs.
“I was at the center of the global pop culture,” Williams narrates in the trailer. “It was as if I was giving so much of myself that I couldn’t even recognize myself anymore. When you’re in the spotlight, you can’t trust anyone.”
The series was produced by Ridley Scott Associates and Asif Kapadia, the talent behind the documentary “Amy” about Amy Winehouse. The director is Joe Pearlman, who has previously directed a documentary about Lewis Capaldi. In a previous radio interview, Williams had commented on the docu-series: “It will be full of sex, drugs, and mental illness. Unlike many, I like it when everything can be seen. Rarely, or perhaps never, have I said, ‘This is too much, take it out.’ Instead, I think it’s never enough.”